#80,000円 #公演・出演祝い #フラワーデザイナー宮崎 #スタンド花 #spotify O-EAST #HACHI #オリジナル立て札 #バルーン #パネル装飾 #トルコキキョウ #バラ #ガーベラ #カーネーション #スターチス #オンシジューム #ヒマワリ #推し花 #黄色 #2段フラスタ
Spotify O-EAST 公演 [HACHI東京・台湾ツアー「Close to heart」東京公演] HACHI 様 ご出演スタンド花
We have provided a blueprint, which shows the overall flower stand shape, color and a screenshot of 「HoneyBees」 MV. We hope that the designer can use yellow flowers as the main color to convey the feeling of being in a sea of flowers..
This is a concert gift.
We hope that the Flower Stand can help promote her and tell everyone who the singer is, so we printed a character illustration panel on it.
And we hope it can be consistent with the image of the concert, and also hope that the singer herself will feel happy when she sees it.
Flower designer

宮崎 恵美子